
Friday, June 5, 2009

Some Recent Events at Oberthur...

In-Term Swimming Finishes
In-Term Swimming is over for another year and apart from some early ripples, it has run quite smoothly, especially considering the time of the year we were allocated and the closure of the Leeming Swimming Centre. This put added pressure on nearby centres and necessitated us combining junior and senior groups so the whole school went together. We have sort feedback from our staff and are looking at what we can do to improve things next year.

Digital Microscopes and Forensic Science
Our recent purchase of two Digital Microscopes have excited Mr Simon Lewis, father of Evan in Area 2 and husband of Tracey, our P&C President. Simon is here on Thursday from Curtin University to work with our senior students on some Forensic Science activities as a part of their science classes with Mrs Waugh. The activity they were doing yesterday was on fingerprinting and the new microscopes were great for viewing the childrens' prints 'up close and personal'. At 200x magnification the sweat pores along the ridges of the prints were clearly visible. The microscopes are capable of taking photos and video clips and include software to put images and clips into a presentation format.

Solar Boat Challenge
Mrs Taylor recently attended an information session for the 2009 Solar Boat Challenge. This involves students designing and building solar powered boats to take on challengers from across the state. At this stage Mrs Taylor is looking to work with students to upskill them on all they need to know about mounting a successful challenge with the aim of working inhouse this year towards mounting a full challenge next year. Last year, with the help of Mrs Joanne Kirker, Angus's Mum, we were successful in receiving a $2500.00 grant for BP towards Solar Panels and Renewable Energies Program in the school. Some of this money will buy the panels and other resources Mrs Taylor will need for the Solar Boat Challenge.

Storm Downpour
The recent storm and resulting down pour last week, left the school under a lot of water with the gutters and downpipes having difficulty in coping with the deluge...

Cross Country Practise
Over 60 of our students have been coming to school early several morning a week to practise for the coming School Cross Country. The recent mornings have been fairly cool and even quite foggy on one particular morning this week. The school cross country is to be run on Tuesday 16th June with the Interschool Cross Country taking place in Term 3. Hopefully these keen students will again do very well at all levels as in recent years with a win in the Interschool.

New Classroom Furniture
Mr Bamber has been updating classroom furniture with new metal storage cabinets, 3 drawer filing cabinets and bookcases. Classes have also had new Tote Trolleys and computer tables in some classes, with teachers also benefitting with new ergonomic chairs. Thanks to Mr Bamber I have a new soft grey melamine desk, upgraded from the old 50's or 60's Jarrah one. Mr M

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